Tuesday, 30 December 2014

2014 Reflections.....

Hey guys,

So its coming to the end of the year and honestly this is the first year in a long time where I can say It has actually flew. It is also the first year since I was 17 where I was single for the whole. This year was really just about me and figuring out what I wanted. Im not sure if I still truely know (but who does I suppose) but I definately learned alot.

My goals last year were -

  • Learn to Drive
  • Get my own car
  • Build my Blog & YouTube Channel 
  • To get healthier

And Im happy to report I accomplished them all!! Well for the most part anyway! I learned to drive and realised I loved it! I really enjoy driving! I recently bought a car but currently it is at my parents house and hopefully in the new year when the weather gets better I will be driving around like a boss haha.

I continue to work hard at my blog every now and then I have to cool off but they are for personal reasons but I really love my blog and I am very proud of it! I have started my YouTube channel and next year I plan to make it bigger and better than ever! I love being a part of the beauty blogger world and getting the chance to interact with all of YOU! really I do and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank YOU! yes you! without you I would be just writing for myself and although I enjoy that too its nice when you know that other people are enjoying your hard work and make it all seem worth while!!

I have definately got healthier this year! I went to the gym... yes I have not been the most regular of clients but the first step is always the hardest and I took it!! And I dare all of you to do the same!!

This was also another year of learning more and dealing with my anxiety and also talking about it. Anxiety is a scary thing. You think you are going crazy. You are not but its not always easy to see it. I have been outraged by comments I have read not so long ago about how people who claim to have anxiety or any other mental illness are faking it and just to gain publicity or doing it be like Zoella, Tanya Burr or Sam Chapman but let me tell you right here right now, No girl (or guy for that matter) in their right mind would pretend to have it if they didnt. Now Im not say that there is absolutely no one that does (they should be ashamed of themselves) but for most people It is a horrible crippling debilitating illness that is not even visible to the outside world. I wish I could say that I didnt suffer from it but I do so all I can sometimes is take one day at a time and use it to grow as a person. what else can I do. I refuse to let it take over my life (easier said than done though) Also I would like to add that I think that it is more likely that since YouTube personalities started to speak out about it then it made more people comfortable about taking about their stories, which personally I think is a great thing #stompoutstigma!! I remember when I first started dealing with it I was convinced I was going crazy! Then I remember reading Zoellas story and Sams and Tanyas and suddenly I started to feel better. Obviously it didnt make the problem go away but I was comforted in the knowledge that I was not alone! People I respected and admired went through this too. So I think its a wonderful that these people are speaking out and as someone who knows what its like to write about not being perfect to a vast audience to be judged and critised I thinks its awful for them to then recieve comments about how they are faking it to be like someone else!! horrible!! anyway this got abit ranty haha. I guess what Im trying to say is that I wish it would go away most of the time but I have learned to accept it and grow from it more and more.

On reflection it has been a weird year but on the whole a good one and hopefully 2015 will bring bigger and better things!!

Thank you again for joining me from the begining of my journey as a Blogger and YouTuber. I am by no means a pro yet but Im definately enjoying the ride!!

I wish you all the Happiest of New Years and an Amazing 2015!

I will see you all back here in 2015!!


Happy Holidays!!

Thank you for reading


Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My Top 10 Christmas Songs!


Today I thought I would do a little festive post on my Top 10 Christmas songs. 
A lot of people like to complain about Christmas songs and to be honest somewhere around the week after Christmas and the start of January I tend to have my fill but right now I am loving them so I thought why not do a little post telling you about the songs I would miss if they were not around. I would also like to add that I am not including Christmas carols in the this just songs. I will be adding links next to all the songs so you can give them a listen and get in the holiday mood!!

Winter Wonderland - Bing Crosby

This possibly my favourite song. Most likely because I grew up with it. My favourite version is the Bing Crosby Version. Michael Buble also does a great version too. To be honest though Mr Buble does great versions of all the Christmas classics. He is own of my favourite artists to listen to at Christmas - Bing Crosby Version     Michael Buble Version


Jingle Bell Rock -Bobby Helms

I think this is most associated with Mean Girls. Well Its what comes to my mind anyway! but regardless I love this song! Bobby Helms Version         Mean Girls 

White Christmas - Bing Crosby

Again we are back to Mr Crosby, This is another classic and Christmas wouldnt be the same without it!! - Bing Crosby Version

Baby Its Cold Outside - Margaret Whiting &Johnny Mercer

Another oldy but a goody. This song is so easy to sing along with. Again I do love the version Michael Buble version with Idina Menzel  - Margaret & Johnny Version    Idina & Michael Version

All I want for Christmas - Mariah Carey 

A Christmas must have when It comes to songs at this time of the year. I know she is not the original artist but I think to be honest she is the only one associated with this song! Mariah Carey Version

When a Child is Born - Johnny Mathis

This isnt as upbeat as the others but I think its beautiful. This is also another one I remember hearing as a child around this time as it is one of my mothers favourites!! Johnny Mathis Version 

Mistletoe & Wine - Cliff Richard

Just wouldnt be right to have a Top 10 favourite Christmas songs and not include Sir Cliff Richard. - Cliff Richard Version

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard

Can anyone remember an Christmas where they did hear this song? No... therefore it must be included and this song has the ability to make you happy and more excited for Christmas.. Dont Believe me?? Just click here and check it out for yourself - Wizzard Version 

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Andy Williams

This is another one that lifts you up and bring you back to your childhood. What could be better Christmas should be filled with childlike wonderment and the feeling that anything (even Miracles) can happen!! - Andy Williams Version   

FairyTale of New York - The Pogues

A tad unconventional maybe , but I honestly love hearing this song at Christmas. Maybe Its just an Irish thing I dont know.  It has grown on me to become what is now one of my favourites!! 

I hope you enjoyed my little holiday post!! Of course there are so many more song that I love but these were my Top 10 that came to mind.

What are your favourite songs??


Thank You For Reading

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Stay Calm ..... and enjoy the holidays!

Hello Everyone,

So the Holiday season is NEARLY upon us and I stress nearly as it is still November. Somehow this year however the world has seemed to gone into Christmas over-drive. It went from Halloween straight into Christmas without anyone so much as batting an eyelash. I cant say I am completely put out by this as I absolutely love this time of year but I do think It was a bit quick even for me! 

The holiday season can be the best time of the year, Family, Friends, Food and Festive Fun! However it can also be extremely stressful. As a youngster I never got stressed over Christmas, everything just happened and fell into place. I could never understand why my parents or adults around me were stressed. Now as I get older I realise Nothing JUST HAPPENS! and someone is always there to make it happen! This can cause a lot of stress  and as I suffer from anxiety it can take a bit of a toll on me mentally. In order to not lose the run of myself and hide until this festive period is over I have come up with someways to combat and prevent unnecessary things that may cause stress and anxiety. 

I would like to add as a little disclaimer this is only what I have found that has worked for me and may not work for you, everyone is individual and unique and stress and anxieties will vary from person to person. However if you would like to know what helps me then carry on reading and hopefully there may be something that might help you!     

Getting Organised

If I feel like I'm somewhat organised then I automatically feel better. I am a list writer. I love my laptop and my Iphone but honestly for me you just cant beat pen and paper! I love notebooks and stationary and my homemade planner (which I may do a post on how I created it some day if you are interested) I like to organise my Finances, Holiday Plans, Blogging and Videos, Gift Ideas, and anything else I need to sort out for the holiday season. This helps me feel like I have a little more control and I am on the right track.

Blogging (or another hobby)

Believe it or not blogging relaxes me. Yes as anyone who blogs will know that blogging is very time consuming. but I get an hour or too to chat to you guys and talk about my life hah. which I'm not sure If many appreciate this but I have not had any complaints so I'm taking it as a vague yes haha. but really I love blogging and I actually feel much less stressed after I've spent an hour or so just me and my laptop writing a blog post or too. 

Me Time

Which leads me nicely into my next point - Me Time. Around this time of year it is so easy to get caught up in all the commotion and sometimes you just need a time out to recharge those batteries. This could be a coffee by yourself with a magazine, curling up with a good book, a bath, a nap, baking cupcakes/ cookies, even painting your nails while watching Disney movie in a onesie. Having me time is important or else you can start to feel a bit overwhelmed by the pandemonium of Christmas.

Avoid Caffeine 

When I'm feeling anxious I try to avoid caffeine. I love my coffee but if my nerves are on edge the last thing I need to do is through a large Caramel Latte at them. Instead I have Green tea or Camomile tea or Hot Chocolate (yes I am aware there is caffeine in chocolate but its not as strong and hot chocolate always seems to make people feel calmer)


The gym is a good way to release stress. You can actually get away from Christmas for a while and sweat out any anxiety you may have. Put that high heart rate to good use. After I can guarentee you will feel calmer, happier and tired but a lot more in control of yourself. Anxiety more often then not stems from a feeling of a loss of control and when you push your body to the limit you get the feeling of being back in control... of your body at least and it is a healthy way of doing it (as long as its done right) plus the endorphin release is always a good side effect! I have done a few posts on gym and fitness now if you would like to check them out just click here Link

Think It Through

Christmas is probably the worst time of year for putting pressure on ourselves. We think things like "I have to put up my decorations, So n so have had their tree up for a week now!" "What gift am I going to get them!?" "Did I get them enough?" "Have I forgotten someone?" "Must order the turkey!?"  "What am I going to wear for xmas events!? I must buy a dress, shoes, makeup! Can I really afford it!?" We need to take a deep breath and think logically! Do we NEED a new dress? Is your world goign to come crumbling down if you have to wait another day to decorate your house? Is your friend/family memeber going to hate you if you spent less on their gift then they spent on you? will they know the difference?? When you get a tizz STOP! Take a deep breath and count 3 and think the most logical way you can and then you feel so much better in seconds!        

These are just 6 ways that help me to relax all year round in general but I think the daily stresses are kicked in to overdrive around this time of year, what with keeping up with Jones and trying to make each Christmas better than the last. It also doesn't help that advertising and social media seem to be making their mission to make people feel this way. Basically saying you need this product in your life or your Christmas will suck, or if your Christmas doesn't look like this then clearly your doing it wrong! Just remember Christmas is what you make it! spend it with them people who mean the most to you! Eat, Drink, Laugh and be Merry and a stop giving a F*** what other people are doing? Enjoy the company and the atmosphere and it will be one of the best Christmases you ever had.           

Leave a comment and tell me what you like to do to relax around this time!

Have you seen my last post - Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas......... Link 

Until next time,

Thank You For Reading

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

Hey Hey,

So In the past week I have been feeling very Christmassy already. Which is unlike me. I love the festive season but usually will not allow myself to indulge until the 1st of December. However somehow Christmas has seemed to have creeped onto my radar a little early this year and this has prompted me to write this blog post.

We all have certain holiday traditions and as much as some of us like to complain about them "oh I'm sick of the music" The lights give me a headache" The crowds"..... but I ask you would it really feel like Christmas without them?

Here are 6 Things that I would notice were not there if they were missing from my Christmas time or that signal to me that the holidays are coming.     


Coca Cola Advert on TV
There are a many things that make it feel festive around this time of year but I always say its not Christmas until I see the Coca Cola Ad on TV.... for me this is getting harder and harder to spot as I dont really watch regular TV anymore. Because of my currently and seems to be increasingly busy lifestyle I always have my shows recorded on TV so I skip most adds or I watch shows on my laptop which dont have adds. Nonetheless Im am always on the hunt for it this time of year. There are others of course which I always love seeing such as The Guinness Add with the big gates, The Budweiser Add with the shire horses and The Cornflakes Add with the little girl and Santa "ho ho ho". But to ma none of them have managed to beat That giant lit up Arctic lorry........ hhuuummmm........Always Coca Cola. Check it out for yourself Link     


New Pjamas
It has become tradition in  my house to have new Pjs for Christmas Eve. This is something my mother started with us from a very young age and now it has become something that I simply must have! Christmas Eve without new Pjs?? Unthinkable! All snuggly and festive!! with wooly thick socks and Uggs..... Heaven. I will add that in recent times I have been quite partical to a onsie... attractive I know but Its Christmas! All rules get thrown out the window!      


RTE Late Late Toy Show
This is another important Christmas tradition! One of my earliest Christmas memories is of my parents allowing us to stay up late, with munchies and hot chocolate dressed in our Pjs and watching the Rte Toy show! I know some of my Irish readers will be able to relate to this! Now I know Im too old for a lot of the toys they are displaying but it doesnt take the fun, excitement or the feeling of Christmas out of it. This year due to work schedules our family will be unable to watch it when it goes live this friday so we have made a plan to record it and have family Toy Show night on Tuesday night instead. This is one tradition we are not willing to give up!


Am I the only one that as a young child was given Schloer as a replacement for alcohol?? I cant be! I remember the adults had their wine and we had our "wine". I am now well over the legal drinking age but I still like to have a glass of it at Christmas. It comes in many different varieties and I love them all. Check Them out for youself - Link. Whether you are of legal age or not you will not be disappointed! 


In recent years I have taken to having balieys around Christmas. throughout the rest of the year the only time I would really think about Baileys would be in food or in shots or cocktails but around but I wouldnt be something I would have very often however at Christmas I cant seem to get enough of it. Its such a festive drink, Creamy and Smooth with a little bit of a kick! I love Baileys hot chocolate or a Baileys coffee or just even Baileys on ice. Its my go to holiday liquor.   


Selection boxes
I dont care what people say you are NEVER too old for selection boxes!! They are an important holiday tradition but as you get older people stop giving them to you as gift as you are now too old. well let me tell you I am 24 and selection boxes still put the same smile on my face as they did when I was still playing with barbies or believed in Santa.   


Rte Guide
In this day and age there is no need for such old fashioned things like Tv Guides! Im pretty sure the newer generations dont even what they are or why we used to rely on them! The answer? because we had no idea what times shows were airing without them! I actually think that its kinda sad that I can actually use the phrase "Back in my day" at the ripe old age of 24!? Without going on a total tangent I do believe that anyone my generation were definitely born in the best one! we grew up with technology, we evolved as it did and I like to think that in my earlier years that I wanted a doll house and rocking horse for Christmas, not an Ipad and PS4 at the age of 4? crazy... Anyway thats another post... Back to the topic at hand... with Sky Digital and UPC having built in Tv guides there is no need to buy paper anymore but at Christmas time there is just so much going on we still buy the RTE Tv guide. Before it was out necessity as I also have a tradition of highlighting all the programmes or movies I definatelty dont want to miss. Now it is out of tradition I can plan the week or 2 ahead when it comes to movies and Tv shows and set them on to record.This much quicker than going through each day and each page on the virtual daily guide as we all know this can be a giant pain in the a**!

So there you have it! Just 6 of the things that let me know Christmas is coming! and I wouldnt change a thing (which I guess is the reason they have become traditions hah) Ahh Even just writing this post has made me more excited for Christmas! ....... The holidays are coming.....

Leave me a comment below, I would love to know what your favourite holiday traditions are?
Or if you have done a post like this send me a link and ill check it out!!

Until next time,

bye bye my loves,


Thank You For Reading

Friday, 21 November 2014

Ice Skating! Just a bit of fun or a quick way to A&E??

Hello everyone,

Today I thought I would tell you about my experience this year at the ice skating rink that opens up every year for the holiday season.

The last time I was at this rink was 2 years ago unfortunately I never seemed to make my way over last year. Also as a young child my parents used to take myself and two younger siblings so I'm not a total newbie but as I have never had lessons and there has years between my trips I am also in noway shape or form an experienced or even an intermediate skater. 

My first thought on arriving was OH MY GOD I forgot how cold it was.... now it doesn't take a genius to work out that if there is ice it has to be cold but I definitely did not dress for the occasion. For some reason this had slightly slipped my mind. I thought I had dressed warm enough... I had not! Tip #1 for people considering going ice skating if you think its enough clothes... Its still probably not.

Unfortunately, however this is a catch 22 because as soon as you have been around the rink a few times you heat up and are unable to remove clothing (well I would think its frowned upon and there is nowhere to put your jacket) so now you are over heating. Tip #2 Try and persuade/trick a friend into joining who as no interest in skating, but they can watch on the sidelines. Then when you over heat you can give your jacket to them. Problem solved hah!

Tip #3 It is important to get the right size of skate! these can be uncomfortable and very sore if to tight (speaking from past experience My advice is to get whatever your normal shoe size or if your like me Im a size 5 and half .... awkward right. So I get a size 6 just to be sure. Dont get a whole size bigger as it can be dangerous if the skates are too loose!

On the Ice I was much more nervous then I thought I would be. I mean it didnt help that everyone I told I was going said "Dont break your leg" but still like I said its not my first time so I didnt expect the nerves. I do suffer from an anxiety disorder now and I guess I didnt when I was younger so that probably did come into play somewhat. Either way it was a shaky start! 

I think as a child you see the world through different eyes. you see the world in the moment and enjoy it for what it is. No fear. It is rare you hear a child say I cant fall I cant afford dental reconstruction or 6 weeks off work if I break my leg. I dont have enough savings to pay for medical treatments if I end up in A&E. I would like to point out these are 3 things that did cross my mind as I was on the ice... Weird huh? Growing up....

Fear is a good thing as it keeps us from getting hurt or doing stupid things (not all the time obviously, but for the most part) but sometimes fear holds you back from really enjoying yourself. Weirdly enough this something I learned on the ice as by the end of the session I build up speed, confidence and stamina. I had realised by the end of the session that the aim of the game wasn't to not break your leg... although it is a plus..... but to have fun and enjoy yourself!!!

So first ice skating session this year was a success no injuries or very expensive medical bills. Lastly I would like to tell anyone who doesn't believe ice skating is a good form of exercise that the morning after a 45min session on the rink I had pains in muscles I didnt even know I had, So yes I would consider it to be a workout.

Thank You For Reading


Thursday, 6 November 2014

What to bring to the gym!!?

Hello my darlings,

If you have been reading my previous posts then you will already know that I have recently entered the world of fitness by starting the gym and fitness classes. Something I didn't realise is that you have to be quite prepared for the gym and a little organisation goes a long way when it comes to your gym bag. This preparation list I have come up with is based on attending the gym and using the swimming pool afterwards. Also that you are wearing normal/civilian clothes when arriving. 

  • Medium sized (waterproof if possible) gym bag
  • Your outfit for the gym - top, tank top, sports bra, pants, socks, runners, 
  • Hair bands, bobbles
  • swimming togs (remember you need a hat - I had forgotten but was able buy one)
  • deodorant
  • towels - body and hair towel for after shower & sweat towel (gross I know)
  • shampoo/conditioner & shower gel  
  • plastic bag - to put all your wet clothes and towels in after your swim
  • make-up - If you choose to put on make-up afterwards
  • water bottle
  • A good playlist (always helps you to push harder and for longer in the gym) 

I hope list helps you guys to be fully prepared if you too decide to take your first trip to the gym!!

Thank you for reading


1st Gym Session

Hey Hey,

So yesterday my housemate and I took the leap. I was actually more nervous than I thought I would be. I was having all sorts of crazy thoughts like - Ill get lost, Ill look stupid, Am I wearing the right clothes...ugh I should have gone to sports shop and spent more hah....

All this disappeared soon after and I actually fit right in. We were unable to make the spin class because something came up and we were going to be late so we decided to go anyway and check out the regular gym instead. We decided to hit the gym first and then the swimming pool after for a bit of relaxation and gentle exercise.

Apart from filling out a few forms we didn't have any interaction with the staff. This was mostly our fault. we kinda just wanted to slip in under the radar and act like we had been there before haha. First we used the cross trainers and girl let me tell you that machine will make you feel the burn. After about 2 mins I started to feel it. I only put the intensity up to 5 but that was enough for a newbie like me! After 10 mins my legs were like jelly but still felt good. Next up (and lastly as we weren't being that adventurous this time) the treadmill. I love the treadmill as I just love to run!! As I've said before - your stressed, your angry, anxious then get that heart rate up and run it out. you'll feel much better afterwards. Well it works for me anyway.

Finally we tried the pool. As soon as I got in my first thought was.... I forgot how much I loved the water! So calming and you can workout without even thinking about it. Unfortunately what we didn't realise was that we had accidentally crashed a swimming class and didn't realise for a little longer than we would like to admit haha... yes we were in the wrong pool. oh well we did realise it eventually and hopped into the right one.

All and all it was a very good experience and I think it eased us into the whole world of gymming. we got to know the building and the vibe that they have in there.

keep posted for

  • How to stay organised and what to bring to the gym - (I definately forgot a few Items that I wish I hadn't hah.. Ill know better next time)
  • My First Yoga Class


Fitness Shopping!

Hey Girlies,

So today is the day the day! Time to venture inside the building that is the home of all the scary equipment and the producer of lean, fit bodies. Only one problem - the only gym gear I own I use as pajamas or lounging around the house (In fact I'm wearing my super comfy tracky pants right now as I write this) So you know what this calls for - Some workout retail therapy!

I really didn't want to spend that much on workout clothes as I'm new at this. The last thing I wanted to do was spend 40 euro on pants that I found I wasn't even going to wear that much or were not what I should have been actually wearing (god forbid). I decided Pennys/Primark would be my best bet.

As you can imagine trying to find workout wear at the beginning of November is not the easiest of tasks. It isn't exactly peak season for it. I think if I had waited until Jan - Apr (new years resolutions and all that) I would have had a much wider selection. However I was not deterred, I persevered and ended up picking a few items.

  • 2 pairs of form fitting, light, breathable pants
  • Crop top - to layer over tank tops
  • Runners, breathable fabric
  • Under-wire sports bra          

Total Spent 36 - Ready to Rock & Roll


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Gym Class Virgin!!

Hey Hey,

Ah The gym....such an intimidating place! I have been to the gym before. I used to go in college, I found that getting on a treadmill for an hour was a good way to relieve any stresses I had. Just hop on and run it out! I still recommend that to anyone, like all the adds say boasts serotonin levels, higher levels of endorphins blah blah... all I knew was I was too tired to care about much afterwards (although I did feel a little bit more refreshed). 

As a child I wanted to do everything. I was one of those children that got an idea into their head and subsequently gave it up soon after modern dance, ballet, karate, Irish dancing, drama classes, art classes, swimming classes, french lessons, horse riding..... the list goes on and on..... Jack of all trades master of none haha. Just the way I'm programmed I want try everything once (obviously within reason!) 

In the past I have tried a couple of classes like Areobics (so much fun) and Boot Camp (lasted 2 days).... so I suppose im not a complete virgin, but I dont count them as they were in college so I knew the other people or most them anyway! This is a real life grown up gym hah....... much more intimidating!!

My friend and I have decided to get healthy (well Healthier atleast). We have both been feeling a bit overwhelmed with work and just life in general so we have decided to try spinning this thursday night and yoga next monday. 

The spinning takes place in a womens only gym (a little bit sexist but ill allow it haha). To be honest it seems less intimidating when your not looking at the hottie across the way, losing your focus so your not listening to the instructor or feeling so self conscious you are not willing to push yourself incase you look stupid.....

The yoga is my biggest worry. This is not female only and it gets worse it is taking place where I work. The Place where I work has decided to hold a yoga class for staff. As soon as I heard I was excited telling my friend "we have to go" It would be perfect for relieving stress, all zen and namaste....blah blah blah... Soon after I realised male colleagues had them same idea...hmmmm...
Now its intimidating... weird positions with work collegues and friends. Its going to be like school all over again... Linda stop talking/laughing. 

Oh well lets give it a go I suppose. How bad could it be right?? 

My friend and I are going to go gym shopping thursday so even if it all goes wrong at the very least I will look the part. Got to go Ladies and google what to wear to spinning and yoga classes haha...

will keep you updated!!



Monday, 3 November 2014

Lifestyle La Linda!

Hello my darlings!

So I have decided to create my own lifestyle blog so I can share all the other crazy and random things going on in my life!! Dont get me wrong I still love all things beauty but I sometimes I want to share other non beauty related stuff you know! haha. I hope you enjoy this new page!!

Also if you haven't already checked out my beauty blog or YouTube channel then just click on the links below and hop on over!

